» Athlete Recovery Membership

Athlete Recovery Membership

Athlete Recovery Membership

Sign up today and be among our first wave of limited memberships 

If you want to recover and optimize preparation for races like a professional athlete but you don’t want to spend thousands on equipment, Bridgetown PT offers a membership with access to our athlete recovery services.  Our goals are to allow access to equipment to optimize recovery from your training session so you can train harder tomorrow, shorten the tapering time for your race and get to the start line as fresh as possible. 

Sport Performance Membership Package 

$75 per month introductory rate

  • VO2 max 3x per year to coincide with training schedule;
  • Access to Recovery Devices.

Weight Loss Membership Package

$75 per month introductory rate

Recovery Membership Package

$50 per month introductory rate 

  • Access to Recovery Devices 

Recovery Devices Access Includes:   

Athlete Recovery Membership. Cryo-compression - GameReady

Cryo-compression - GameReady - Restore joint range of motion and reduce effects of overuse with the combined benefits of cold therapy and compression in one treatment session. 

Athlete Recovery Membership. Compex Elite - Muslce Recovery

NormaTec Boots - Fresh legs compression- Flush out your lower extremities from the metabolic waste products due to intense exercise so that you can cut down recovery time, reduce muscle and joint stiffness, and enjoy improved training and racing load with accelerated rejuvenation of your major lower extremity tissues.

Athlete Recovery Membership. NormaTec Boots

Marc Pro - Fresh Muscles - Cutting-edge electronic muscle stimulation device that helps muscles recover faster, allowing professional and everyday athletes to perform and feel their best.

Athlete Recovery Membership. Compex Elite

Compex Elite - Muslce Recovery - Increases local blood flow, leading to a faster reduction of lactic acid than mere rest, promotes muscle relaxation and helps enable a faster recovery

Athlete Recovery Membership. G5 Massager

G5 Massager - Reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibilty- Roll out and compress the muscle groups of the major athletic muscles, great for tight IT bands, vastii of the quadriceps, and reducing the pain and tightness of shin splints 15-30 minutes

Athlete Recovery Membership. Deep Muscle Stimulator

Deep Muscle Stimulator - Targeted Muscle Tightness- Reduce muscle stiffness from your activities and restore range of motion to be ready for your next workout 15-30 minutes

3D Body Scan Analysis

3D Body Scan Analysis - this device quickly and accurately measures body dimensions of the whole body to help you set goals for your body transformation and measure the benefits of your training

Athlete Recovery. Hypervolt

Hypervolt - relieve stiffness and soreness after your training session and maintain range of motion. 15-30mintues

Athlete Recovery. Vyper Recovery Roller

Vyper Recovery Roller - Intense vibration with foam rolling to reduce muscle tightness 15-30minute.

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