» VO2 Max

VO2 Max

At Bridgetown PT, we are one of only a few facilities in Oregon that utilize the CardioCoach from Korr Medical Technologies. This machine delivers simple and accurate fitness testing. Until recently these tests have been very expensive and only utilized by top athletes. 

The CardioCoach helps us measure key data including peak VO2, anaerobic threshold, and the precise amount of calories burned at all exercise heart rate levels.  This data can be used as the foundation for customizing exercise programs from beginners’ to elite athletes’ performances. 

VO2 max testing measures the amount of oxygen your body uses at different exertion levels while you exercise on a treadmill or bike.  The oxygen consumed during exercise is measured by wearing a mask connected to our CardioCoach VO2 Max analyzer during a short workout.  The recorded information is then used to calculate your personal target intensity zones.  These zones will give you the specific target heart rate required for each level of intensity.  Exercising within these zones will help athletes achieve the results they desire.  Target heart rate training zones will maximize your workout with fewer injuries, less fatigue, less pain, and faster results. 

Target training zones and anaerobic thresholds are normally based on your age.  These generalized calculations do not factor in how hard you have recently been training, genetics, sex or altitude.  These generalized zones are usually found on treadmills with labels such as “cardio” zones or “fat burning” zones, but these estimates can be off by as much as 30 beats per minute.

How can you benefit?

  • Learn how hard you need to train to improve your current cardiovascular level
  • Learn your personal target training zones
  • Learn how many calories you actually burn working in different heart rate zones
  • Learn to be more efficient with your exercise program for optimal results

Cost:  $125
(Includes VO2 Max, Aerobic Threshold, Anaerobic Threshold, Calories/Hour per Zone, and Current Fitness Level based on national standards)

Duration:  Approximately 30 minutes (Actual treadmill/bike duration 8-20 minutes)

Scheduling:  Please call 503-222-1955 or e-mail us at info@bridgetownpt.com to set up an appointment.

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